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May 29, 2024

100 years in business and still as good as ever!

100 years in business and still as good as ever!

L’Empreinte team has been working with Boulangerie Saint-Donatsince 2022. As the company proudly blows out its hundredth candle, we'd like to highlight the wonderful partnership that unites us.

In 2017, Marie-Ève St-Amour took over the reins of the company, continuing the family legacy with determination. Marie-Ève's cautious and thoughtful approach means she knows how to surround herself with loyal partners, which contributes to the company's sustainable growth. Her secret ingredient: preserving the traditional flavours and craftsmanship for which the bakery is renowned.

In the relationship of trust and transparency that has been built up over the years, L'Empreinte produces the shipping boxes for the famous Saint-Donat pies (the sugar pie and the grape pie), meeting the specific qualitative and quantitative requirements in the best possible way. L'Empreinte provides support and advice while offering a particularly competitive price/quality ratio.

"Yes, we want quality packaging at a reasonable price, but we also want a relationship of trust with our supplier," says Marie-Ève St-Amour, adding that on her first visit to L'Empreinte she felt at ease and welcomed like a member of the family. "We share values of friendliness and trust, which are essential to the business vision of both our companies."

If you'd like to find out more about the history of the bakery and how it has evolved over the years, listen to Luc Ferrandez's radio interview with Marie-Ève St-Amour.

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